1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 10, 2004 6:04 PM by camel

    JSP is generating blank lines at the beginning


      I have some jsp generatting wml for mobiles.

      The problem is that the jsp generates blank lines at the begining of the
      generated page.

      How can I get ride of this blank lines?



        • 1. Re: JSP is generating blank lines at the beginning

          Use a servlet instead, where you can better control the output, or run your jsp tags all together on the same line (no newlines between them):

          <% // code here

          instead of on separate lines like:

          <% // code

          Hmm another idea just popped in to my mind, you may be able to write a Filter that removes all leading whitespace from the output, and apply this filter to your JSPs. I haven't thought this one out...