0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 19, 2005 7:10 PM by danikenan

    Mapping a directory as a context


      I would like to map a web application in a certain directory to as a context in jboss.

      This allows for much easier and faster development as I can map my dev environment as the docBase and set the context as reloadable, and no longer need to deploy the web app to the server.

      In any case, using tomcat, such a mapping could go in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/foo.xml where foo.xml is the name of the context file.

      I have tried this in jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\conf (create a dir "jboss.web/localhost") and placed my context file - It did not work.

      How can I do it on jboss?