3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 4, 2005 10:34 AM by sqian99

    Blank JSP page


      I have the issue with some JSP pages with JBoss 4.0.2.

      Basically, I got blank JSP page when access the page. I can see the compiled Java file from the JSP page, but not the .class file in the compiled JSP folder. I can compile the generated Java file myself though.

      Then, I tweak the scriptlet of JSP page, instead of calling a Utilities.function(), call, I write the whole code in the JSP page, now the page is working.

      I don't know whether it is a bug of JBoss or something else, could someone explain the issue?



        • 1. Re: Blank JSP page

          Jboss uses tomcat primarily for its JSP related work , so if it works with Tomcat, it should mostly work with jboss. for ur case, is ur Utilities package available to the JSP Compiler? Are you getting anything in the logs.

          • 2. Re: Blank JSP page

            The Utilties package is included. The strange thing is that when I replace the Utilities function call with all the source code, the page seems working.

            I have two JSP pages with this problem, one I fixed by replacing the call. Another one has many such calls, I replaced some, still it is not working. So I am wondering if anyone has the similar problem.

            I did not get anything related to this from log (not exception). The JSP file has been compile to Java file, but it looks like it cannot compile it into class file.

            Thanks for your help,


            • 3. Re: Blank JSP page

              Never mind, I figured out. The error message is in the serverlet filter, which I forgot to check. Looks like Tomcat does not support JDK 5's Long/long auto-boxing and unboxing. After I fixed that, the page shows fine.

