1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 27, 2007 1:37 AM by raist_majere

    Missing Hidden Values


      This following peice of code was working fine with jboss 3.2.7 and tomcat 5.0. After i upgrdaed to JBoss 4.2.1.GA with tomcat 6.x, the code no longer works.

       if(request.getParameter( "ScreenResolutionHeight" ) == null )
       <title>Please wait one moment...</title>
      <body onload='SubmitOnLoad();'>
      <form method='post' id='ScreenResolutionForm'>
      <input type='hidden' name='ScreenResolutionWidth' value='1024'>
      <input type='hidden' name='ScreenResolutionHeight' value='768'>
      function SubmitOnLoad()
       var this_form = FindElementById( 'ScreenResolutionForm' );
       this_form.ScreenResolutionWidth.value = window.screen.availWidth;
       this_form.ScreenResolutionHeight.value = window.screen.availHeight;
       this_form.BrowserType.value = navigator.appName;
      function FindElementById( id )
       if( document.getElementById )
       return document.getElementById( id );
       else if (document.layers)
       return document.layers[id];
       else if (document.all)
       return document.all[id];
       return undefined;
       }else {

      After the form the submitted to itself in the SubmitOnLoad method, the hidden values are no longer available in the request object.As a result, the page gets into an endless loop.

      Any ideas?