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1. Re: Browser hangs intermittently when request for images are
gbansal80 Jun 15, 2009 5:40 AM (in response to gbansal80)On further investigations, we found that on JBoss end, socket goes in CLOSE_WAIT state and would remain in that state for long period of time.
This issue closely resembles the JIRA
I would like to know if there is a fix for this isssue in JBoss v4.2.3.gajdk6
Gaurav -
3. Re: Browser hangs intermittently when request for images are
gbansal80 Jun 15, 2009 6:47 AM (in response to gbansal80)Can we install JbossWeb native component as a subsitute for Jboss-web.deployer i.e. bundled with JBoss v4.2.3ga? Is JBossWeb native component installed as a seperate Java process?
4. Re: Browser hangs intermittently when request for images are
jfclere Jun 15, 2009 7:00 AM (in response to gbansal80)JbossWeb native is just a native component just install it and restart jboss to use it. (See