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1. Re: Mavenization and snapshot dependencies May 10, 2009 11:33 PM (in response to asoldano)"" wrote:
Hi Jim/Stefano,
I see we currently depend on snapshot versions of the maven-site-plugin and cobertura-maven-plugin. Is there a reason for using the snapshots instead of the latest released versions there? I think it would be better to refer to non-snapshot versions before releasing 1.0.1.
It is because there are some issues in the non-snapshot version. The cobertura release plugin can not inject the probe code in the integration module . It is failed to generate code coverage report.
The release site plugin also has some issues. I remembered it can not generate the correct index.html and links to the other module correctly . But the site snapshot plugin fixed some of these issues and not all of them . -
2. Re: Mavenization and snapshot dependencies
asoldano May 12, 2009 4:51 AM (in response to asoldano)OK, thanks.