1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2001 4:48 AM by ko5tik

    More help needed


      I seem to have figured out basic authentication.

      I can request a "secure" page and get a login box. It even authenticates against a database. The page I request then makes calls to an EJB (see User code below) which work.

      The problem comes when I try to make a link from that page to a new one that uses a different EJB (see RoleManager below). The calls now fail with InsufficientPermissions because the principal is null.

      How do I keep the principal available so all calls to EJBs work?

      My environment is:
      jboss 2.4.1/tomcat 3.2.3

      staffapp {
      org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule required
      principalsQuery="select password from systemusers where userid=?"
      rolesQuery="select r.description, r.rolegroup from role r, userroles ur where ur.userid=? and ur.roleid = r.id"

      client-login {
      org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule required

      <web-resource-name>Secure Staffapp</web-resource-name>
      no description

























        • 1. Just a question

          Is the second page also under the same security constraint?

          Just a littlke explanation how it works
          ( security )

          If you request a page which requires some authentication
          ( under securoty constraint )
          An interceptor ( JbossSecurityMgrRealm ) fires and performs authentication ( password checking ) and
          authorization ( assigment of roles ). Then it's checked that user has role required to access web resource.

          Then "principal ( username ) and "credential" ( password ) are stored in

          are store in SecurityAssociation object,
          and then used by EJB invocations.

          After request is processe, this interceptor removes them.

          So, valid principal & credential data are there if
          the page reqires authenticated access.

          In the meanwhile ( when you request unsecured pages )
          your username & password are stored on session in j_username & j_password

          You also have to keep in mind, that principal & credential are also checked on server side - completely independet from frontend stuff. They may even use different login modules.