1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 22, 2002 12:47 PM by llturro

    Applet calling EJB ?


      Hello, I am getting an java.security.AccessControlException:access denied ram.ear -read
      checkPermmision(unknown source)

      The applet is loading and I am can see that the ip address is correct that is being returned from the getCodebase().getHost() from a println.

      I have created a sample stand alone client and I cut and paste from the applet code that I am trying to use and that can make the ejb call fine.

      I have seen other post that say that it could be that the applet is trying to call something inside of my ram.ear. I have placed an ram-client.jar file that has all of my remote,home interfaces and the applet class files.


      John Fleenor

        • 1. Re: Applet calling EJB ?

          If the standalone client application works you should check your classpath or, if this is the case, folders and jars mounted.

          Note that the jboss\client folder has some jar files. At least four of them are necessary:


          Good luck!