1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 30, 2002 9:53 AM by marvil

    Using certificate for HTTPS


      I'm trying to use a server certificate to enable HTTPS on the server. I've received the certificate from my CA, and imported it into my keystore.

      Before I imported the certificate, the keystore worked fine, and if I opened https://localhost in a browser, it warned about that the site was not certified by a trusted entity.

      After I imported the certificate, I get the following error over and over again in the JBoss log:

      13:46:28,081 WARN [jbossweb] WARNING:
      javax.net.ssl.SSLException: No available certificate corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
      at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLServerSocketImpl.a(DashoA6275)
      at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLServerSocketImpl.accept(DashoA6275)
      at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.acceptSocket(ThreadedServer.java:377)
      at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer$Acceptor.run(ThreadedServer.java:546)

      Is something required to configured or installed so I can use our certificate? Help would be appreciated.

      My configuration is JBoss 3.0.1, JDK1.4, Windows 2000.

        • 1. Re: Using certificate for HTTPS

          Don't worry about it. I solved it myself. The solution was to add the -trustcacerts flag to the keytool -import command.

          Phew, this should be in the FAQ as I've seen quite a few questions about this, but no answers.