2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 12, 2007 5:57 PM by quilleashm

    Ajax4jsf and custom event handlers

      Hi all.

      I've found playing with the repeater example that specifying your own onXXX events will prevent a4j:support from working. Example

       <h:panelGrid columns="2">
       <h:outputText value="Type the Text:"/>
       <h:inputText value="#{testBean.text}" onkeyup="">
       <a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="repeater"/>
       <h:outputText value="Text in the AJAX Response:"/>
       <h:outputText id="repeater" value="#{testBean.text}"/>

      Specifying an onkeyup explicitly on the inputText will stop ajax4jsf from applying its own event handler logic. Is this intended behaviour?

      I have a requirement to highlight mandatory fields in a different colour and then change when something is typed in. I'm not sure how I can achieve this and have ajax behaviour on controls at the same time.



        • 1. Re: Ajax4jsf and custom event handlers

          You can use onkeydown or onkeypress

          Also, a4j:support 'this' points to the input field object. So, you can manipulate with input field style right from the onsubmit like this:

           <h:panelGrid columns="2">
           <h:outputText value="Type the Text:"/>
           <h:inputText value="#{testBean.text}">
           onsubmit="if (this.value!=''){this.style.backgroundColor='white'} else {this.style.backgroundColor='#FFCCCC'}"
           event="onkeyup" reRender="repeater"/>
           <h:outputText value="Text in the AJAX Response:"/>
           <h:outputText id="repeater" value="#{testBean.text}"/>

          • 2. Re: Ajax4jsf and custom event handlers

            Thanks for the reply.

            Would it be possible to somehow merge the code in the event handlers together when AjaxSupport generates its event string?