2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2003 9:20 PM by matt_furness

    jms authentication



      At the moment I have clients subscribing to a topic that an ejb posts messages to. I want to make the clients have durable subscription, but they need special permission to do so. How do i submit login information from a client to jboss to get the permissions i need?

      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: jms authentication

          normally you can use durable subscriptions without login. Did you set the client ID?


          where oConT is an object of type TopicConnection. Without setting it, you get an exception while attempting to subscribe.

          To pass login information, you may create the topic connection like this:

          TopicConnection oConT = oTopicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection("username", "pwd");

          But I think, first the client Id should be set.

          Greetings Ingo

          • 2. Re: jms authentication


            thanks Ingo for your help, putting the user name and password in when i create the topic connection works.

            Thanks again
