0 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2003 5:20 PM by claude.jones

    JBoss and Tomcat different JMVs


      I have a requirement to run JBoss without the embedded Tomcat and I need to do the following:

      "Gain access to the DatabaseServerLoginModule if I'm running Tomcat and Jboss in two different JVMs."

      I have done the following:
      1. Created a loginServlet that reads the user name and password from the UI

      2. Created a new LoginContext("configName" customCallbackHandler);

      "configName" maps to the DatabaseServerLoginModule in the login-config.xml

      3. Connect to Jboss using a InitialContext.

      InitialContext jndiCtx = new InitialContext();

      I would like my LoginContext to use the DatabaseServerLoginModule within the Jboss's JVM so I can get the information needed to do url request validation.

      Another news group told me that I might have to write some RMI code in order to perform inter-JVM authentication. ???

      Any idea?

      Thanks all!
