3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 13, 2003 8:50 AM by jonlee



      I can no longer log into my application I always go to the error login page but it never hits anything that I can look at. This problem appeared when I was trying to fix it so that the curUser loaded into a session variable in my userFilter was actually the person who was logged on versus a random picking of any of the users that are logged on at that time. So now I have two problems versus just the original issue and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.

      I need the system to allow any user access to certain pages without requiring them to login. The default user and password are used. When they hit a secure page the system will popup the login screen and if sucessful will take them to the requested page.

      My Login.jsp and LoginError.jsp both have j_security_check as their action. I have 2 login modules in the project. One is UsernamePasswordLoginModule that extends AbstractServerLoginModule and then DatabaseServerLoginModule that extends that (icms.security.UsernamePasswordLoginModule)

      I am running JBoss 3.04 with Tomcat 4.1.24. I have attached all of the files that I think are relevant. Okay I tried to attach them but the page wouldn't let me. Any suggestions? If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

        • 1. Re: j_security_check

          Try at attaching files

          • 2. Re: j_security_check

            And the rest of the files

            • 3. Re: j_security_check

              I'm not fully up to speed on this having read through the code only a few times. Have you got a diff on what has changed as that might help or otherwise comment on the code areas that have changed?

              Commenting out the current authenticated user check may have an effect on your process if that was commented out in your changes. I haven't fully run through the chain of events but it may prevent a user authenticated earlier in the chain from proceeding as userid remains null.

              Just a guess at this stage as the operation is not fully apparent in my mind. Perhaps someone else may have a suggestion.