1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 25, 2004 12:27 AM by starksm64

    Problems with login


      I have read everything on net and a thousand of forums but I do this work. I am trying to use the DataBaseServerModule, here is the files:


      <application-policy name="LWebSec">

      <login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule" flag="required">
      <module-option name="dsJndiName">java:/PostgresDS</module-option>
      <module-option name="principalsQuery">select password from users where username=?</module-option>
      <module-option name="rolesQuery">select 'userroles', rolegroup from userroles where username=?</module-option>





      <web-resource-name>Secure Pages</web-resource-name>




      <!-- ExampleRealm is defined in login-config.xml -->



      When I try to login with a user that is inside the database I receive the message on log:

      2004-03-24 13:24:13,277 TRACE [org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule] login
      2004-03-24 13:24:13,279 DEBUG [org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule] Bad password for username=abc
      2004-03-24 13:24:13,280 TRACE [org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule] abort
      2004-03-24 13:24:13,280 DEBUG [org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager.LWebSec] Login failure
      javax.security.auth.login.FailedLoginException: Password Incorrect/Password Required

      When I try to login with a user that doesnt exist in database:

      2004-03-24 13:26:09,175 TRACE [org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule] login
      2004-03-24 13:26:09,178 TRACE [org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule] abort
      2004-03-24 13:26:09,178 DEBUG [org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager.LWebSec] Login failure
      javax.security.auth.login.FailedLoginException: No matching username found in Principals

      So, where is the problem, the password in Postgresql have to be crypt/hash? What is wrong with the configuration?