1 Reply Latest reply on May 24, 2004 10:22 AM by anbenham

    How to get the Authentication Error messages.

      Am using my own custom class for authendicating users. Apart from password, the user get authendicated on various other conditions like expiry of users and so on. so when an authendication fails i need to show the user what went worng. is there any possiblity to do this
      Thanks in advance.
      Senthil kumar M Rangaswamy

        • 1. Re: How to get the Authentication Error messages.

          if you are using j_security_check, i don´t think there is a possibility to get the errors in your logonerror-page.

          i have searched for a solution , then i gave it up.
          The authentication occurs in the loginmodule. from there you can throw a loginexpetion, but this exception is not propagated from jboss. it is just caught and written in the log.
