2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 6, 2004 1:51 PM by hauer

    Throwing extended LoginException from SRPLoginModule



      I would like to login to a server using the SRP protocol. I am using JBoss' SRPLoginModule in my client side jaas config to do this. Now since I am working in a clustered environment I have to determin if a thrown LoginException was caused by a true authentication problem or simply because the authenticating server was down. SRPLoginModule logs IOExceptions while trying to connect but since LoginException is not providing any information about the cause, I am probably forced to parse the log message :-(
      I thought maybe it would be acceptable to have JBoss provided login modules throw JBossLoginException that extend LoginException and provide access to the caused exception if it applies.


        • 1. Re: Throwing extended LoginException from SRPLoginModule

          The ideal way to be setting the cause on the LoginException, but this is a 1.4.x extension to the exception base classes that will not work with jdk 1.3 which we still support at least for compilation. I could look at reflectively adding this info when the runtime supports it.

          The problem with introducing a JBossLoginException that supports nested exception is non-standard code for something that does exist in jdk 1.4.x. Is this something you need with jdk 1.3 or could you look to the LoginException cause in a 1.4.x runtime?

          • 2. Re: Throwing extended LoginException from SRPLoginModule

            Hi Scott,

            yes I am still on jdk 1.3, which is hopefully going to change soon. I would like it if the cause could be set if one is running a 1.4 runtime. One more reason to finally upgrade :)
