1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 4, 2004 9:32 PM by starksm64

    getUserPrincipal() retuns null after authentication


      Hi All,
      I am doing authentication using code below

      String authenticationType = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("authentication");
       SecurityAssociationHandler handler = new
       SimplePrincipal user = new SimplePrincipal(userName);
       handler.setSecurityInfo(user, password.toCharArray());
       LoginContext ctx = new LoginContext(authenticationType, handler);

      authentication is going fine and even i can retrieve the principles from subject.
      But when i am trying to get the UserPrinciple() from servelt it's returning null and even isUserInRole() returning null.

      Is i need to do some thing to attach my subject to servlet container..
      Any help is appreciated.


        • 1. Re: getUserPrincipal() retuns null after authentication

          You have to use the web container security model via the web.xml descriptor in order for the servlet security apis to return useful information. Simply doing a JAAS login does not populate the servlet container security context. This is only useful for interacting with other secured resources from within a servlet.