1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 1, 2004 10:13 AM by infectedrhythms

    SSL exception possible JBoss service cached?

      1- What is the recomended way to load keystores in my JBoss services or servlets ? Any link I could look at?

      Maybe this a bit of topic but am experincing some weird cahing problems while trying to load my trusted certificates in my JBoss service...

      Bassically I want to open a HTTPS URLConnection within one of my services.

      My service on start...

      1- Set ups the keystores etc.. using the System.SetProperty functions...
      2- Then connects to the 3rd party url.

      On one server it works fine.
      On another server sometimes I get sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found. Sometimes it works.

      The path to the keystore is retrieved as an MBean property through persistance management...

      I also mention cahcing because... I go to the JMX concole and I change the path of the keystore and restart my service. Yet it continues to connect, when I should expect at least an SSL context not initialized exception...

      It seems that the path is not read properly??