2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 4, 2005 3:27 PM by starksm64

    SRPRemoteServer_Stub source?


      Can anyone tell me what the close() method in the SRPRemoteServer_Stub does? When I trace through my code when I call logout on the LoginContext using SRP the SRPLogin module on the client removes the committed information from the principal and the subject and then calls close on the SRPInterface. This SRPInterface is implemented in the SRPRemoteServer_Stub but I can't find any source for this file? What is going on is I want to call logout at the server from the close method. Currently logout is not being passed to the specific security realm on the server? Logins pass right through to the specific secutiry realm but not logouts? Am I missing something?


        • 1. Re: SRPRemoteServer_Stub source?

          What I need to know is just how the logout mechanism works. It seems when I logout at the client the client module is logged out but unitl I logon again from the client with the same userId and password the logout is not called at the server module?


          • 2. Re: SRPRemoteServer_Stub source?

            The stub source is not relevant. The close method removes the SRP session from the server side cache. There is no logout because The srp session cache is seperate from any security domain that happens to leverage via the SRPCacheLoginModule. Logout will be called when the security domain cache expires. This is similar to the interaction between a web session and the associated security domain cache. 3.2.6 added a capability to flush the security domain cache when the web session expires. Create a feature request for similar behavior between the SRP service and the security domain cache.
