1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 5, 2005 2:03 AM by leeson1125

    JMeter not passing JAAS LoginContext


      I have a thick Java client, so I am testing with JMeter JavaSamplerClient implementations, which call my EJBs. I have setup JMeter and suddenly, it fails to pass credentials and I get nasty Authorization errors, null principals, from my secured SessionBean. I've never had problems before with JUnits, Java test classes from Eclipse and Ant, nor our regular UI client!

      I know its gotta be a JMeter thing, but their forum is throwing Velocity servlet errors all over right now!!

      Has anybody out there successfully performed a JAAS login before calling a secured EJB in JBoss from a JMeter JavaSamplerClient? If so, what was your setup like? I suspect a JBoss user has encountered this sometime and could share?
