4 Replies Latest reply on Sep 20, 2005 1:44 AM by tdursun

    Configuring two ways authentication when using JBoss + SSL


      I intend to use SSL between java clients and JBoss Server.

      After I read "Using SSL in JBoss" section of JBoss AdminGuide, I add
      a JRMPInvoker MBean into jboss-services.xml.

      In the configuration of this JRMPInvoker,
      I set RMIServerSocketFactory as RMISSLServerSocketFactory.

      Then, I tried to configure "client Authentication as mandatory" in jboss-services.xml,
      but I couldn't.

      Because JRMPInvoker does not have an attribute like needsClientAuth=true/false.

      However RMISSLServerSocketFactory class has a method setNeedsClientAuth(boolen b) but JRMPInvoker does not call this method.

      How can I make JBoss perform "client authentication in SSL operations"?