5 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2005 3:55 PM by javafolks_ssee

    Multiple groups under same rolesCtxDN tag


      Hi Folks,

      I am facing little problem in adding multiple groups under rolesCtxDN in login-config.xml

      Let me explain..Here is my snippet from login-config.xml file

      <module-option name = "rolesCtxDN">OU=X,OU=Users,OU=D,DC=A,DC=B,DC=C</module-option>

      'X' is the sub group of 'Users'. I have one more sub group 'Y'. To accomodate 'Y' I had to repeate the whole block of login-module tag twice except changes from X to Y.

      It works fine. But for scalability, it doesn't look promising.

      Can anybody throw some ideas to accomplish this? Its for LdapLoginModule

      Best Regards,

        • 1. Re: Multiple groups under same rolesCtxDN tag

          Show a ldif view of the schema along with how the roles are supposed to be pulled out of the various contexts based on the user being authenticated.

          • 2. Re: Multiple groups under same rolesCtxDN tag

            Thanks for your response.

            As my module-option tag shows the tree structure not exactly the complete LDIF but can give you some idea.

            Under Users group I have two sub groups X and Y. Which needs to be validated against role of user.

            So I belive its role context.

            I would appreciate if you could give your input of how to generate LDIF file that would be great. Dont have much idea to generate it.

            Thanks and best regards.

            • 3. Re: Multiple groups under same rolesCtxDN tag

              LDAP Tree

              CN=Person Name,OU=X,OU=Users,OU=D,DC=A,DC=B,DC=C

              Let me know Scott is it sufficient.


              • 4. Re: Multiple groups under same rolesCtxDN tag

                Check out ldapsearch and JXplorer in order to get a ldif dump of the server:

                • 5. Re: Multiple groups under same rolesCtxDN tag

                  Hi Here you go with LDIF

                  For privacy and security reason I have replaced original values. I hope it will help you to understand and guide me.

                  dn: CN=ABC,CN=Computers,DC=DEF,DC=XYZ,DC=com
                  objectClass: top
                  objectClass: person
                  objectClass: organizationalPerson
                  objectClass: user
                  objectClass: computer
                  accountExpires: 123
                  badPasswordTime: 0
                  badPwdCount: 0
                  cn: ABC
                  codePage: 0
                  countryCode: 0
                  displayName: ABC$
                  distinguishedName: CN=ABC,CN=Computers,DC=DEF,DC=XYZ,DC=com
                  dNSHostName: ABC.DEF.XYZ.com
                  dSCorePropagationData: 123.OZ
                  dSCorePropagationData: 123.0Z
                  dSCorePropagationData: 123.0Z
                  instanceType: 4
                  isCriticalSystemObject: FALSE
                  lastLogoff: 0
                  lastLogon: 123
                  lastLogonTimestamp: 123
                  localPolicyFlags: 0
                  logonCount: 36
                  name: ABC
                  objectCategory: CN=Computer,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=XYZ,DC=com
                  objectGUID:: abcdef
                  objectSid:: abcdef
                  operatingSystem: Windows XP Professional
                  operatingSystemServicePack: Service Pack 2
                  operatingSystemVersion: 5.1 (2600)
                  primaryGroupID: 123
                  pwdLastSet: 123
                  sAMAccountName: ABC$
                  sAMAccountType: 123
                  servicePrincipalName: ldap/ABC.DEF.XYZ.com
                  servicePrincipalName: ldap/ABC.DEF.XYZ.com:389
                  servicePrincipalName: ldap/ABC
                  servicePrincipalName: ldap/ABC:389
                  servicePrincipalName: 123-ADAM/ABC.DEF.XYZ.com:389
                  servicePrincipalName: 123-ADAM/ABC:389
                  servicePrincipalName: HOST/ABC
                  servicePrincipalName: HOST/ABC.DEF.XYZ.com
                  userAccountControl: 123
                  uSNChanged: 123
                  uSNCreated: 123
                  whenChanged: 123.0Z
                  whenCreated: 123.0Z
                  dn: CN={123-123},CN=ABC,CN=Computers,DC=DEF,DC=XYZ,DC=com
                  objectClass: top
                  objectClass: leaf
                  objectClass: connectionPoint
                  objectClass: serviceConnectionPoint
                  cn: {123}
                  distinguishedName: CN={123-23},CN=ABC,CN=Computers,DC=DEF,DC=XYZ,DC=com
                  instanceType: 4
                  keywords: partition:CN=Configuration,CN={123-123}
                  keywords: 123
                  keywords: fsmo:naming
                  keywords: fsmo:schema
                  keywords: instance:instance1
                  keywords: site:Default-First-Site-Name
                  keywords: 123
                  name: {123}
                  objectCategory: CN=Service-Connection-Point,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=XYZ,DC=com
                  objectGUID:: 123
                  serviceBindingInformation: ldaps://ABC.DEF.XYZ.com:636
                  serviceBindingInformation: ldap://ABC.DEF.XYZ.com:389
                  serviceClassName: LDAP
                  serviceDNSName: ABC.DEF.XYZ.com
                  serviceDNSNameType: A
                  showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
                  uSNChanged: 123
                  uSNCreated: 123
                  whenChanged: 123.0Z
                  whenCreated: 123.0Z

                  Let me know if you have any inputs.

                  Thanks and best regards.