0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 13, 2005 1:02 PM by andersonra

    update Credentials - JAAS ( ClusteredSingleSignOn)



      I'm having problems to update user credentials using ClusteredSingleSignOn:

      I authenticate in webapps A, and access webapps B ( it reauthenticates because I'm using: requireReauthentication="true"). So I'm logged on 2 webapps.

      Then in webapps A I change the user password ( when I change the password I use: SecurityAssociation.setCredential( password ), and flush authentication cache on the other domain).

      But when I try to access webapps B, the server try to reauthenticate with the old password and I get error on the application.

      Is there any way to update the credentials in all webapps on the cluster ?

      Anderson Araujo