1 Reply Latest reply on May 17, 2007 2:09 PM by alexsmirnov

    AJAX actions and Portlet Requests


      Dear guru!

      Using ajax4jsf in my portlet application (together with MyFaces) I noticed that actions initiated by ajax4jsf command components (e.g. a4j:commandLink) cause Servlet Request but not Portlet Request ( possible Servlet but not Portlet URL are rendered). As a result MyFaces knows nothing about portal environment during this request ...

      I am wondering whether this is a bug or feature?

        • 1. Re: AJAX actions and Portlet Requests

          Sending AJAX requests from portal page to a servlet is a workaround to a JSF-168 limitations. a4j-portlet integration code know about portal environment and will substitute appropriate JSF context.
          Only portlet 2.0 specification have special methods to serve XMLHttpRequest or a resources ( script, styles, media etc ).