5 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2006 9:53 PM by j2ee_junkie

    Web Application JAAS and JBOSS Configuration



      I'm developing a web application using the struts Framework and Jboss. For authentification and authorization I'd like to use JAAS in a declarative way.
      Up to now I've done the following steps:

      Editing the web.xml


      and building the login-form:

      <html:form action="j_security_check">
       <table border="0">
       <td><bean:message key="label.login.name"/></td>
       <td><html:text property="j_username" /></td>
       <td><bean:message key="label.login.password"/></td>
       <td><html:password property="j_password" /></td>
       <td colspan="2" align="center"><html:submit/><html:cancel/></td>

      I've read some documentations, but I don't now how to proceed. I know that i have to write a LoginModule. I'll use the UsernamePasswordLoginModule. The passwords and usernames are in a database. Can I put the queries in the login() method?

      Another question is where i have to put this module and what else i have to do?

      Thank you very much!


        • 1. Re: Web Application JAAS and JBOSS Configuration


          Do not forget to declare your security role admin in your web.xml file using the security-role element.

          2.) You do not have to write a login module. Look at org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule.

          3.) You need to specify to JBoss that your web application should be secured by setting the security-domain element in your jboss-web.xml file.

          4.) If you are securing EJB's you need to configure those as well.

          Read chapter 8 of the server guide at http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/jboss4guide/r3/html/ch8.chapter.html

          have fun, cgriffith

          • 2. Re: Web Application JAAS and JBOSS Configuration

            Thank you so far!
            I have now generated the jboss-web.xml and the login-config.xml files.
            But where i have to put them. If i put them into my WEB_INF folder the Jboss Server did not find them.


            PS: no EJB's involved;)

            • 3. Re: Web Application JAAS and JBOSS Configuration

              You really should read the server guide, but just to kick start you...

              The jboss-web.xml should be in your war's WEB-INF directory. The contents of the login-config.xml file gets added to ${SERVER}/conf/login-config.xml file.


              • 4. Re: Web Application JAAS and JBOSS Configuration

                Now I've read the documentation carefully;)

                But now I've antother problem. I use Struts and the framework intercepts all action, even the j_security_check action. So there no possibility to log in via this mechanism?

                I also authenticated the user manually via lc.login (). But then i cannot use the request.isUserInRole() method.

                Does anybody now how you can approach to this problem?

                • 5. Re: Web Application JAAS and JBOSS Configuration

                  You do not need to worry about Struts intercepting an HTML form posting to 'j_security_check'. Tomcat container will intercept this request. You do need to read the Stuts documentation on how security is handled by ActionServlet. I do not remember the details.

                  good luck, cgriffith