1 Reply Latest reply on May 21, 2007 2:32 PM by alexsmirnov

    Is a rerender of facelets ui:include possible?


      I think this is the right forum and not the Richfaces forum.
      I'am using the Richfaces tree to perform some navigation. Depending on the selected node of the tree a different page should be displayed. Which page is decided by the backend and is read in the following way
      <ui:insert name="main">
      <ui:include src="#{display.mainXhtmlPage}" />
      <ui:fragment id="mainform">
      <ui:include src="#{display.mainXhtmlPage}" />

      My tree:

      <rich:tree id="tree" switchType="ajax"
      value="#{}" var="data"
      reRender="mainform"> ...

      Unfortunately the mainform isn't rendered by the ajax request.

      Is there any solution? Thanks in advance.