1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on May 27, 2007 10:59 AM by puh Go to original post
      • 15. Re: rich:suggestionBox

        Sorry, i hadn't much time these days.
        Probably you have noticed, that if you write something in your text field, you get the hole column from the database in the suggestion box. But maybe you want only the columns, which are starting with the prefix you just typed. So, if you haven't done that already, you can change the SQL satement to "SELECT column FROM table WHERE column LIKE '"+prefix+"%' LIMIT 0,100". This means, that you get only the first 100 results which are starting with the prefix(you have the variable already in the autocomplete()-method).
        Another thing you can do, is to chnge the max. allowed memory usage of the java-vm. This is done by a vm-paramater: -Xmx512m, means that the vm may use 512mb of memory. Unfortunately, I don't know where to pass that parameter to Tomcat. Find it out yourself ;)

        • 16. Re: rich:suggestionBox

          Oh, it doesn´t matter, of course(!), that you had not much time these days!! So, I´ve solved the problems on my own.
          Thank you very much for the information!!
          It was a very good help!!

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