0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 12, 2007 6:43 PM by jdsignature

    Form based authentication in JBoss container


      I am thinking to create a plugable authentication/athorization module which will interact with the third party web services. I did some research on this topic, here are my findings:

      1. Collect the userid/password/other security data from the login form;
      2. Pass the above data to the customized CallbackHandler;
      3. Initialize the LoginContext("configration on the loginmodule", the customized callback handler);

      My questions are:

      Can the JBoss container initialize the LoginContext automatically via login-config files?

      Do I need to create two plugable customized modules: one for Authentication, one for authorization?

      Can you provide any sample configurations on the J2EE decalarative and JACC compliance related confgurations, thanks in advance