2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 19, 2007 3:33 PM by anil.saldhana

    Help securing 3 webapps



      I have 3 webapps (all deployed as WARs):
      - one is custom-built
      - one is JSPWiki
      - one is JForum

      The custom-built webapp is deployed as ROOT.war, and is thus accessible like so: www.example.com

      (note: I am forwarding port 80 to 8080)

      The JSPWiki webapp (wiki.war) is accessible at www.example.com/wiki/

      The JForum webapp (forum.war) is accessible at www.example.com/forum/

      All 3 webapps need to have their access restricted to authorised users. The authentication is to be handled using a single database (using DatabaseServerLoginModule).

      So basically once a user has logged in at the root webapp, he needs to be able to access the forum and wiki webapps without having to type in username and password again. And if he tries to navigate to the forum url directly, without having logged in at the root webapp, he needs to be prompted to log in first.

      What is the simplest way to do this in JBoss? I am using JBoss AS 4.2.1
