1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 24, 2001 10:26 PM by hchirino



      I've got a client app that throws the exception shown below. I beleive this is happening when my client is trying to subscribe to a topic. I've added the appropriate <mbean code ... lines to the jboss.jcml file in my JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-4.0.

      javax.naming.CommunicationException. Root exception is java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling return; nested exception is:
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.mq.referenceable.ObjectRefAddr (no security manager: RMI class loader disabled)
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.mq.referenceable.ObjectRefAddr (no security manager: RMI class loader disabled)
      at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadClass(LoaderHandler.java:318)
      at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadClass(LoaderHandler.java:132)

      Any help would be much appreciated.