4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2002 5:27 PM by luizbucci

    JBOSSMQ and MDB durability?



      Does JBOSSMQ support MDB durability when the Jboss server
      is shutdown and then restarted again.?

      E.G If I publish messages to a topic, shut the jboss server down and then deploy my MDB jar file (with all the correct durable descriptors) start the server back up again and begin listening on that same topic I published too before I shut it down...will I receive those messages?

      Currently I cannot get this to work.

      I can put the MDB jar file in the deploy directory as the server is running and the durability works ok.

      Any insight on this matter would be much appreciated.



        • 1. Re: JBOSSMQ and MDB durability?

          Hi, I am not shure I follow you all the way here...

          A durable subscription must allways first be created before it becomes active. The only way to do this is to deploy the MDB first or write a client that creates a durable subscription.

          So this should work:

          - Start server.
          - Deploy durable MDB
          - Send some messages (should be received)
          - Undeploy durable MDB
          - Send some messages.
          - Shut server down.
          - Start server
          - Deploy MDB (should now receive messages).

          (There has been a long outstanding bug - for almost a year - which showed itself in not all saved messages was sent during redeployment of MDB. I think it is fixed in cvs HEAD, but don't know about 2.4.x)


          • 2. Re: JBOSSMQ and MDB durability?

            there's a bug in 2.4.x where the server is not restoring messages when its being restarted (see sourceforge bug #511164 @ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=511164&group_id=22866&atid=376685 ). this holds true for Queue messages, don't know about durable topic subscriptions.

            • 3. Re: JBOSSMQ and MDB durability?


              I have tried what you suggested to me and I don't get any
              messages received on the last step. I am using version 2.4.4 Which version will be able to support this? (ie. which version in cvs HEAD is it?)

              Thanx Again,


              • 4. Re: JBOSSMQ and MDB durability?

                I'm having the exactly scenario/problems that Hunter has, looking for a solution too.
