0 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2002 9:33 AM by semm

    Server's messages to topic


      I'm using JBoss 3.
      What I'd like is have the server's messages in the JMS testTopic, so what seemed logical was to change log4j.xml thus :

      <!-- Log events to JMS (requires a topic to be created) -->

      <!-- -->

      tried INFO, too.

      <!-- -->

      and also tried with and without addition :

      <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
      <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
      <appender-ref ref="JMS"/> <!-- added PH -->

      Oh well, it doesn't seem to work, because messages that appear in the console window don't make it to the HelloSubscriber example, which works fine if I run HelloPublisher, by the way.

      Who can shed some light on this ?

      Thanx, Paul Hamaker