1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 24, 2002 2:27 PM by schaefera

    Topic connection/clientID


      I am posting messages to a topic on a remote server using a TopicConnection with a specific clientID.

      If the connection is lost (f.e. if the client system crashes), when I try to recreate the connection i get the following error:

      This loggedOnClientIds is already registered !

      This happens at TopicConnection.setClientID()

      It seems that the JBoss MQ server is not aware that the client is dead.

      Any ideas ?

        • 1. Re: Topic connection/clientID


          There is no way the JBossMQ server could detect that a client is gone (the network could be temporary down or under heavy load). So a client ID cannot be release when the client crashes.
          Also the spec. expects that when a client ID is already specified (by JBossMQ) you cannot change it. So I would suggest that you expect that a setClientID() fails and use another client ID instead.

          Have fun - Andy