2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 21, 2003 2:21 PM by elu8888

    TemporaryQueue configuration


      How can we configure TemporaryQueues to have any SecurityMetaData ??

        • 1. Re: TemporaryQueue configuration

          According to the JMS API spec:

          A TemporaryQueue is a unique Queue object created for the duration of a QueueConnection. It is a system defined queue that can only be consumed by the QueueConnection that created it.

          It seems to me that the TemporaryQueue should have the security context of the QueueConnection that created it. Since it can only be consumed by the QueueConnection that created it, the right implementation should not require explicit SecurityMetaData.

          Is this a bug in the implementation?

          • 2. Re: TemporaryQueue configuration

            Get the following warning when creating temporaryQueue:

            WARN [SecurityManager] No SecurityMetadata was available for JMS_TQ# adding default security conf

            which configuration file (and where do I change) to avoid
            this warning?
