3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2007 1:18 PM by mitesh

    Need Help in performance issue


      Hi All,

      I am facing major performance issue in ajax4jsf reRender.

      I am using h:selectOneRadio which contains two options YES and NO. when i select YES specific region is got rerendered.

      My problem is When click on rediobutton and change the option at that time reRendering of specific region took 10 to 15 seconds.

      In addition to that i have have used several radiobuttons in 35 jsf pages which are in cluded in richt:tabPanel in rich:tab. Tabs are rendered on specific conditions. At a time maxmimum 5 tabs are active.

      How can I solve this issue.

      Any suggession is most welcome.


        • 1. Re: Need Help in performance issue

          you use IE or FF ?

          • 2. Re: Need Help in performance issue

            Thanks for quick reply..

            I am facing issue in both IE and FF.


            • 3. Re: Need Help in performance issue

              Hi all..

              Pls let me know am I getting performance problem because of rich:tabPanel??

              Because when i browse these pages directly without Tab Panel then it is working fine there is no problem but when I include in rich:tabPabel then it is creating problem of delay of 10 to 15 seconds to render.

              I have used rich panelTab as shown bellow:
              let me know what parameter remains so that ajax reRender will work fast.

              Main Page:

              <rich:tabPanel width="100%" switchType="ajax">
               <rich:tab label="Page1" id="page1"
               <jsp:include page="page1.jsp" />

              Some portion of included Page1 with radio button and PanelGrid:
              <a4j:region rendered="true" renderRegionOnly="true" immediate="true">
              <a4j:outputPanel rendered="true" ajaxRendered="true">
              <h:panelGrid columns="2">
               <h:outputText styleClass="FormTitle"
               value="#{intakeHeaderBean.columnNames['PERSON_COMPLETING_FORM_FLAG']}" />
               <h:selectOneRadio layout="lineDirection" immediate="true"
               styleClass="FrmNormalType" value="#{intakeHeaderBean.personCompletingFormFlag}"
               <f:selectItem itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="Y" />
               <f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="N" />
               <a4j:support event="onclick" immediate="true" ajaxSingle="true" reRender="personCompletingFormPanelGrid">
               <h:panelGrid columns="2" id="personCompletingFormPanelGrid"
               <h:outputText styleClass="FrmResultsType"
               value="#{intakeHeaderBean.columnNames['PERSON_RELATIONSHIP']}" />
               <h:inputText styleClass="FrmNormalType"
               value="#{intakeHeaderBean.personRelationship}" maxlength="25"
               <f:validateLength maximum="25" />

              pls let me know which additional parameter i need to add/update.
