1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 24, 2003 3:35 AM by stephanenicoll

    No ManagedConnections Available!


      Hi folks,

      I am using the java:/JmsXA connection factory to achieve transaction feature in JMS. I am publishing the messages from a EJB for every operation perfomed via the same (ejb) to a particular Topic. When the amount of clients using the EJB this is less then there seems no problem. But when the number of clients gets increased then i am running into all sort of problems. I see the below mentioned exception in the logs printed contiounsly,

      Caused by: javax.jms.JMSException: Could not create a session: javax.resource.ResourceException: No ManagedConnections Available!
      at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms.JmsSessionFactoryImpl.createTopicSession(JmsSessionFactoryImpl.java:164)

      Below is the code snippet used for publishing the message,

      myConnection = fact.createTopicConnection();
      topicSession = myConnection.createTopicSession(true, 0 );
      topicPublisher = topicSession.createPublisher(myTopic);
      //Construct the Message
      ObjectMessage message = topicSession.createObjectMessage();
      message.setStringProperty("cause", cause);
      //Publish the message
      catch (JMSException jmse)
      throw new MyException("JMS Exception occured while publishing a message", jmse);

      Please let me know when and why the above mentioned exception is thrown and what should done to overcome this.

      Note: Jboss version is 3.2.1

      Thanks ,

        • 1. Re: No ManagedConnections Available!

          You don't need to create a new connection for each and every message you want to send.

          To be transactionnal you need to create a new session though

          BTW, your code create a connection but it does not close it ... That's normal you got those exceptions

