1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 1, 2003 9:17 AM by adrian.brock

    JMS cluster issue with Jboss 3.2.2


      I need to publish message to all Jboss instance in cluster. My setup worked with Jboss 3.2.2 RC4, but with the released version I am having problem. The way I implemented the JMS cluster was to give comma separated IP:Port of all Jboss instance sin the cluster, in provider url. I got the list of servers in cluster by listening for new nodes and generating provider url out of it.

      I disconnected and again connected once a new server is added, hence all the clients in the cluster now listens to the topic in the new server. At any point of time there is one subscriber which connect locally and all others connect remotely.

      But now with Jboss 3.2.2 this is not working, even if I give comma separated hostnames in provider url and the new server name as the left most in the comma separated list the subscriber connects to the local topic only.

      Our application is in production and I need the fix ASAP.

      I checked from the jmx-console that the subscriber in each server connect to local topic
