2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 15, 2004 8:32 AM by gmccreath

    JMS Race condition - session close?



      I get the following on my test server reasonably often:

      18:08:54,797 WARN [SpyMessageConsumer] Message consumer closing due to error in listening thread.
      javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Session is closed.
      at org.jboss.mq.SpyMessage.doAcknowledge(SpyMessage.java:604)
      at org.jboss.mq.SpyMessageConsumer.run(SpyMessageConsumer.java:562)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)

      I am stopping the connection and closing the session and connection *immediately* after receipt of my test message from the client.

      Not closing/stopping solved the problem (but it not a solution). Race? How do I ensure acknowledgements happen correctly?

      Many thanks,
