1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 5, 2004 7:24 PM by ace750usa

    firewall and JBOSS 2.4.10. pleaes help ASAP!



      I am hoping someone would be able to help with the current issue that i am having.

      It seems that every time JBOSS restarts, it changes the lookup ports.

      Here is what I found somewhere:

      "The 1099 port is only used to obtain the RMI stub to the
      JNDI naming service. All lookups through a Context derived
      from an InitialContext have nothing to do with this 1099
      socket. Instead, communication is going through the RMI
      socket which by default is bound to an anonymous port.

      You would have to set the NamingService RmiPort attribute to fix
      this to a known port in order to see what state the socket
      associated the client lookup is in."

      However, no where in the documentation does it say how to set it :)

      can someone please help with this situation?

      alex korneyev

        • 1. Re: firewall and JBOSS 2.4.10. pleaes help ASAP!

          and of course the code :)

          System.out.println("Getting jndiContext");
          jndiContext = new InitialContext( JMSAppConfig.getAppReadProperties() );
          System.out.println("Getting factory");
          factory = (QueueConnectionFactory)jndiContext.lookup("RMIConnectionFactory");
          System.out.println("Getting queue");
          queue = (Queue)jndiContext.lookup( "queue/"+queueName );
          System.out.println("Getting connection");
          conn = factory.createQueueConnection();
          System.out.println("Getting session");
          session = conn.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE );