2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 22, 2004 10:35 AM by gchazalon

    JBoss 3.2.3 : Getting a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:


      Hi Jboss fellowship,

      If only I hadn't changed anything since this morning... I wouldn't bother you with my post !

      I am getting an exception at server startup :

      16:46:25,904 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException: Exception in MBean operation 'checkIncompleteDeployments()'
      Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
      Packages waiting for a deployer:

      Incompletely deployed packages:

      MBeans waiting for classes:

      MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
      [ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=local/SIPReceiver,service=EJB
      state: FAILED
      I Depend On:
      Depends On Me: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: DefaultJMSProvider not bound]
      16:46:25,904 INFO [URLDeploymentScanner] Started jboss.deployment:type=DeploymentScanner,flavor=URL
      16:46:25,964 INFO [MainDeployer] Deployed package: file:/D:/jboss-3.2.3/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml


      I have a MDBean and a Queue setup on my server. The funny thing is that it used to work fine this morning, but I must have change something, because now It doesn'r work.

      I've searched the post, and made sure the "RecursiveSearch" is set to True in the jboss-service.xml, but it didn't help.

      I will appreciate any help.



        • 1. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 : Getting a javax.naming.NameNotFoundExcepti

          Quoted from "READ THIS FIRST" (my highlighting)

          Try to keep your posts short but relevent.
          1) Post relevent configurations, but not everything.
          2) Post full exception traces (often the real exception is embedded at the
          end of the stacktrace)
          3) Look for relevent exceptions BEFORE the exception you are reporting.


          • 2. Re: JBoss 3.2.3 : Getting a javax.naming.NameNotFoundExcepti

            Ok, fair enough Adrian, sorry for this newbie mistake.

            I'll try to be more precise this time.

            Meanwhile typing this post, I have just read carefuly the log file and discovered that I had accidently copied my ejb jar file also in the /deploy/jbossweb-tomcat41.sar directory, which caused the problem.

            Now it works !

            Sorry again for calling help while It was just about an unfotunate windows drag'n'drop.

