1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 8, 2004 11:21 AM by frito

    MessageDrivenBean automatically triggered or manually starte


      Assume I deployed successfully a MDB.
      Then I sent some JMS messages from another SessionBean to a JmsTopic
      but the consuming MDB currently does not fetch the topic messages. Absolut no reaction from the MDB can be observed.

      The question: Does the MDB automatically recognize that there are some messages waiting for it
      or do I have to start the MDB manually before the MDB can inspect the topic stream?


        • 1. Re: MessageDrivenBean automatically triggered or manually st

          The MDB is called after deployment when a matching message is recognized.
          Is your MDB properly deployed? Is the message propertly sent to the topic (e.g. don't forget to commit transacted messages ;-) ? Is your MDB properly configured to receive the sent messages (e.g. message filter) ?