1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 12, 2007 3:35 PM by xphree

    Problem with a4faces and h:dataTable



      I Have a page in JSP that is working fine. When I changed to facelets the dataTables stopped change after a4f:commandButton events. Basically, it has a a4f:commandButton that add a line in dataTable like this:

      <t:panelGroup style="BarraBotoes">
       <a4j:commandButton action="#{clienteBean.incluirTelefone}" reRender="addressListTable"
       styleClass="addButton" title="#{msg.addAddress}" value="#{msg.addAddress}"
       <t:panelGroup colspan="4" id="addressListTable">
       <t:dataTable id="addressList" var="tl" value="#{visit.currentObject.addressList}"
       cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" headerClass="headerGridTable"
       binding="#{client.address}" width="100%">

      I tried set dataTable id on rerender property, to change default dataTable, but no the dataTable didn't work. Are there one thing to fix it?
