3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 7, 2005 11:02 AM by dreyk

    Question about ClientMonitorInterceptor


      I use ClientMonitorIntecepor for disconnects clients that have been idle for to long. My client used HTTPConnection (HTTPConnectionFactory) to subscribe to the nondurable topic. If client don't receive messages during ClientTimeout time interceptor close connection for it, because http connection is stateles and client don't ping server even I set PingPeriod for http connection to some value difference from 0, and "getClientStats(dc).lastUsed" value udate only if client receive any message from the server. But client send sends post request to the server for get messages from temprory queu. May be I can change ClientMonitorInterceptor or HTTPClientILStorageQueue.java for update lastUsed value in ClinetMonitorInterceptor then client do post if even no message it temprory queue? If it's possible how I can do it? Or I do not right uderstand how it's work?

      Now I use simple sevice that send simple test message to the topic every time do detect that client is not killed yet(in this case lastUsed time update every time than client recieve message, because he is used receive method for it).