1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 3, 2007 5:33 AM by ikarius




      I modified a bit the JMSSenderBean from the doc to support JMSExpiration. I just added an extra argument which is the value of the time to live and do before sending the message: msg.setJMSExpiration(timeToLive);.

      I made a simple test case which creates a queue, posts a message with a timeToLive of 5 seconds, makes the thread sleep and gets the message from the queue. When I check the content of the queue through the JMX Console after the message being posted, I see that the JMSExpiration properties of the message is set to 0 whereas I set it to 5 sec !?

      I'm using jboss 3.2.4 with j2sdk 1.4.2_05.

      What could be wrong ?

      Code for the test

       // Create a queue
       JmsSenderLocal sender = JmsSenderUtil.getLocalHome().create();
       Queue queue = JmsQueueManagerUtil.getLocalHome().create().getQueue("dummyQueue_0");
       // Post a message
       sender.send(new TextMessageCreator("dummyMessage_0"), queue, null, 5000);
       // Sleep for at least 10 seconds
       // Get the message from the queue
       JmsReceiverLocal receiver = JmsReceiverUtil.getLocalHome().create();

      Sleep is a method calling thread.sleep()

      The modified send method

       public void send(MessageCreator messageCreator, Queue queue, Date deliveryDate, long timeToLive) throws JMSException {
       if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
       logger.debug("Sending message [" + messageCreator + "] to queue [" + queue.getQueueName() + "]");
       QueueConnection connection = null;
       QueueSession session = null;
       QueueSender sender = null;
       try {
       connection = openQueueConnection();
       session = connection.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
       sender = session.createSender(queue);
       Message msg = messageCreator.getMessage(session);
       if (deliveryDate != null) {
       logger.debug("Message will be delivered on ["+deliveryDate+"]");
       msg.setLongProperty("JMS_JBOSS_SCHEDULED_DELIVERY", deliveryDate.getTime());
       if (timeToLive >= 0) {
       msg.setJMSExpiration(System.currentTimeMillis() + timeToLive);
       } finally {

      The message

      SpyTextMessage {
      Header {
       jmsDestination : QUEUE.dummyQueue_0
       jmsDeliveryMode : 2
       jmsExpiration : 0
       jmsPriority : 4
       jmsMessageID : ID:8-11083781808063
       jmsTimeStamp : 1108378180806
       jmsCorrelationID: null
       jmsReplyTo : null
       jmsType : null
       jmsRedelivered : false
       jmsProperties : {}
       jmsPropReadWrite: true
       msgReadOnly : false
       producerClientId: ID:8
      Body {
       text :dummyMessage_0

      If you need the log in trace mode just tell me and I will post it.

