1 Reply Latest reply on May 4, 2005 8:39 PM by genman

    ClassCastException from axis SOAP implementation



      please forgive me if I post the message to the wrong group, I don't know if it is more JMX, environment or ws related.

      My problem is that our deployed application uses (or likes to use) the SUN SOAP interfaces and reference implemtation. At least it used to do that with JBoss 3.2.3. Now with JBoss 4.0 I always get objects from the apache implementation. This implementaion is somewhat different compared to SUN's. Now my question is, is there a possibility to ensure I can use my implemetation while JBoss uses their own one or am I foreced to change my code (and all implementations at the customer side) to use the new apache implementation?

      Thanks for your help
