3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 29, 2005 3:54 AM by schrouf

    Message no visible from QueueBrowser


      Hi there,

      We are using jms in our application and we need to be able to see the messages that are in the queue at any given time. We have used the QueueBrowser to search the queue and it seemed to work ok. However upon closer inspection we found we were missing a message. If i place say, 3 items in the queue i can only see 1 within the QueueBrowser. One is the one being processed but we don't know where the other message has gone. The message that is missing is next message in the queue. We are using JBoss version 3.2.6.

      Is there anything in the JMS Spec that might cause this behaviour to appear.

      Thanking you in advance,

        • 1. Re: Message no visible from QueueBrowser

          If you do not use message selectors and you are sure that the 'missing' messagehas not already been consumed, than it sound's like a bug.


          • 2. Re: Message no visible from QueueBrowser

            The next person to say "BUG" at the drop of a hat without any evidence gets their
            profile deleted. :-)

            If it was a "bug", then you have a reproducable testcase that shows it is not doing what
            it says it is supposed to do in the documentation or spec (quoting chapter and verse),
            or you have some logging that shows how/where it went wrong.

            This has been discussed many times before (including a painfully long discussion on
            jboss-user about 2-3 years ago).

            Message 1 - Currently being processed by application
            Message 2 - Read ahead by JBossMQ client code
            Message 3 - Still in the queue

            There is even an outstanding feature request on JIRA to make this "read ahead" configurable, but those that want this feature don't seem interested in implementing it.

            • 3. Re: Message no visible from QueueBrowser

              Ok, so let's call it a feature :-)