3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 15, 2005 3:40 PM by adrian.brock

    Howto write a message forward mdb


      I´ve to receive jms messages from two different queues by a singleton message driven bean.
      One queue is local and one is remote.
      I´ve tried to bind the mdb to both queues simultaneously. This works but the bean is no longer a singleton. There are two threads working simultaneously.

      I´ve tried another way by writing a "message forward mdb" that reads from a remote queue and writes to a local queue, so that the singleton mdb is binded only to the local queue.

      But what is the best way to write such a "message forward mdb" without having knowledge about the strukture and content of the message.
      Simlpy receve the message and send it again seems not function well.

      Any help?

