1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 10, 2006 6:12 AM by adrian.brock

    File Persistence? / Possible to share File?


      Hi Folks,

      i have a little problem. I want to persist Messages in a File, but i can't find where i configure the File Persistence. I've googled already but anytime i only came to theoretical Text and no XML outcuts. Has anyone a Idea?

      Question 2:

      My intention is, that i have a JBoss Cluster. There only one Q-Manager should be active (it is in the standart cluster configuration, isn't it?). If one JBoss Instance crashes the othe JBoss Instance should overtake (works fine). Then there is the Master Q-Manager. Now i will point the Q-Manager from the first Server to the same shared device like the second server. Is it possible to do that?

      Thanks and sorry for my bad english,