1 Reply Latest reply on May 29, 2006 5:19 PM by clizarralde

    Exception stopping JmsXA


      I'm using Jboss 4.0.1sp1, jdk 1.4.2, Windows XP. And I have a ¿problem? with the JMS resource adapter.

      In short terms, I have a session bean that read messages from a JMS queue, process the data, make changes in an Oracle database and then
      other changes in an Sql Server database. And i need transaction across them.

      I have the datasources correctly configured as XA.

      In the past i was using the XAConnectionFactory as the QueueConnectionFactory to read the message from the JMS qeueu, but I notice that althought everything was working, I didn't have really transactional behavior.
      For example if jboss was killed after reading a message from the Jms queue but before processing it and storing some info in Oracle database, the message was lost.

      After reading some post in the forums,

      and the Wiki page

      I realize that I need to change the QueueconnectionFactory to java:/JmsXA

      Although things seemed to work, now I'm having an exception in the console, and I don't thinks is normal.
      This exception appears when I stop the QueueConnectionFactory

      17:32:09,704 INFO [STDOUT] javax.jms.IllegalStateException: This method is not applicatable in JMS resource adapter
      17:32:09,704 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms.JmsSessionFactoryImpl.stop(JmsSessionFactoryImpl.java:238)
      17:32:09,704 INFO [STDOUT] at com.np.iaso.integration.impl.JMSQueuePollStrategy.stop(JMSQueuePollStrategy.java:294)
      17:32:09,704 INFO [STDOUT] at $PollStrategy_10b537c203e.stop($PollStrategy_10b537c203e.java)
      17:32:09,704 INFO [STDOUT] at com.np.iaso.integration.PollServiceImpl.poll(PollServiceImpl.java:70)
      17:32:09,704 INFO [STDOUT] at $PollService_10b537c203b.poll($PollService_10b537c203b.java)
      17:32:09,720 INFO [STDOUT] at $PollService_10b537c203a.poll($PollService_10b537c203a.java)
      17:32:09,720 INFO [STDOUT] at com.np.iaso.ejb.PollingBean.poll(PollingBean.java:116)

      Is this exception normal?
      Why I'm getting this exception when using the JmsXA and not when using the XAConnectionFactoy (calling the stop method)?

      Thanks a lot in advance!!!
