1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 20, 2006 12:00 PM by genman

    Changing property of a message



      I am new to JMS so please excuse the question, but I dont find anything in the forum/Wiki/FAQ.

      Is there any chance to change the property of a JMS-Message or e.g. a SpyObjectMessage via the setter, e.g. message.setJMSRedelivered(false) or any other property without clonig the Message and resending it into the queue? During debugging i see that this property is changed after calling the setter, even in the JMX-Console via Queue and listMessages() i see the change happen. But it does not result in any change in the underlying database!

      What is the supposed way to change the property of a message. I need it because after that a quite complicated rules based rerouting via an ESB happens, partly based on some of the properties of the message.

      please help,

      Thanks Michael